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Coachkey is a platform built for nutrition coaches who work primarily online. Coaching is all about client interaction, which is why we specialize in client churn rate and retention, with a goal of helping you increase your client base, coach your clients more effectively, and grow your monthly income.


Interactive features include a smart macro calculator, interactive nutrition info database, client side portal, and calendar + notifications system. The site offers interactive coaching abilities with both client & coaches side portals. On both the client side & coaches portals, notifications help to streamline to-do lists, and organize tasks cohesively between all parties. It really is a one stop shop for everything coaching related.


The idea was borne from years of coaching and systems building experience, and seeks to put clients first, while game-ifying the coaching process to keep clients more engaged. With interactive features like the smart macro calculator, coaches are able to shave hours of work off their week, which in turn increases capacity for more clients, and raises monthly income!

Developed all functional aspects of the project, and lead a team of designers & web developers in everything from UI/UX, visual design, functionality, directing contractors and negotiating key partnerships.  



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